
A few of the many things we at Shadow Oaks are committed to:

  • Books, Books, Books. Placing books in the hands of Shadow Oaks students and families is a priority. Last year, the campus hit a target of 50,000 books and other material read, and then held a huge campus celebration. This year, a business partner, MetroNational, and the Valley Oaks Elementary PTA, a Sister School partner, have supported efforts to give books to students at every evening event. The Valley Oaks PTA has donated a book to every student. Shadow Oaks has set a new goal for all students to read 55,000 books this year, and at this time the campus is on target to meet its new goal.

  • Action-Based Learning Lab. Every day at Shadow Oaks Elementary, primary students are given an opportunity to learn through special movement, physical exercises and games. The school’s award-winning Action Based Learning® program and its special classroom setting partners brain-based learning with teacher friendly, “kid-tested, kid-approved” strategies that move students to learn. Intervention Specialist Darlene Evans heads up the program this year. Action Based Learning is now taking place in classrooms up to the fifth grade, and several more SBISD campuses have adopted the program. Action Based Learning was honored by the Board of Trustees in a special presentation last August.  

  • Lifelong Learners. All Shadow Oaks teachers are committed to improving their craft and professional abilities. Principal Julie Baggerly and the school leadership team provides a coaching, feedback and goal-setting opportunity in brief, but regular sessions. Up to 43 teachers a week are reviewed and coached in these development sessions. 

  • We at Shadow Oaks Elementary school are proud to be in our 1st year as a Leader in Me School.  Leader in Me is a whole-school improvement process based on the idea that everyone can be a leader.  This evidence-based approach empowers students with the leadership and life-skills they need to thrive in the 21st century. 

    • Increased use of 7 Habits language

    • Leadership opportunities for students and families

    • School-wide events

Visit the Leader in Me Blog for inspiration and resources to learn more at
